Policies of CSU-Pueblo

University Policy

CSU-Pueblo Logo
Policy Title: Posthumous Degree Policy Category: Academic Affairs/Faculty
Owner: Provost/Executive Vice President Policy ID#: 1.05.00
Provost/Executive Vice President
Web: http://www.csupueblo.edu/provost
Email: provostoffice@csupueblo.edu
Phone: 719-549-2313

Also Contact:
Web: http://www.csupueblo.edu/records/
Email: registrar@csupueblo.edu
Phone: 719-549-2261
Effective Date: 12/7/2010


In exceptional circumstances, the Board may award degrees posthumously. Recommendations for such an award will only be considered when the student had completed nearly all of the requirements for his or her degree before dying, and when the student's academic record clearly indicates that the degree would have been successfully completed had death not intervened. Nominations for posthumous awards of degree will be initiated by the student's department and approved internally by the relevant college dean and the Provost. The posthumous nature of the recommended degree award shall be made explicit when the recommendation is forwarded to the Board. The Provost's office shall be responsible for presenting the degree to appropriate survivors.


Students who have passed away during their senior year.


There are no exemptions from this policy.


Colorado State University-Pueblo recognizes the profound loss for the family, friends, and the University community when a student dies while enrolled at the University. Awarding a degree posthumously allows for the acknowledgement and celebration of the student's academic commitment prior to his or her untimely death, and may provide solace for a grieving community. This honor is reserved for only those deceased students who meet the following requirements:


Awarding a.bachelor's degree posthumously will be considered for Colorado State University-Pueblo students:

• who were scheduled to graduate either in the semester of his/her death or the next semester (e.g., scheduled to graduate in May and died in the fall);

• are in good academic standing both overall and in the courses in which they are currently enrolled;

• and have the support of the department and college.

Process Steps:

l. If the Department wishes to pursue a request to grant a posthumous degree, the Department Chair must forward a documentation packet and letter of support (noting any contact to date with the family regarding this request), along with the Posthumous Degree Request Form, to the Dean of the College. The documentation packet must include:

a. a copy of the Graduation Planning Sheet

b. the names of all current instructors for courses of record for the student's final semester, and 

c. a copy of the student's transcript.

2. The Dean will present his/her recommendation to the Provost prior to the February Board of

Governors meeting for Spring Semester awards and the October Board of Governors meeting for Fall Semester awards.

3. Upon approval by the Provost, the request will be forwarded to the President.

4. Following the President's approval, the request is submitted to the Board of Governors to grant or deny the posthumous degree. The Provost's Office is responsible for drafting and submitting the Board of Governors agenda item.

5. The Executive Assistant to the Provost is responsible for notifying the Dean of the student's College, and the requesting Department of the Board of Governors' decision.

6. After the posthumous degree has been approved by the Board of Governors, the Department Chair (or his/her representative) will contact the family to make arrangements for presenting the diploma. No special notation will be made on the diploma; however, the student's transcript will note that the degree was conferred posthumously.

7. After the posthumous degree has been approved by the Board of Governors, the Provost will communicate the Posthumous Degree Request Form to the Registrar.

8. If at any time during this review process the request is denied, the Department Chair of the student's major will be notified by the denying party (in the case of a BOG denial, the Assistant to the Provost will notify).


Process Steps:

l. If the Department wishes to pursue a request to grant a posthumous degree, the Department Chair must forward a documentation packet and letter of support (noting any contact to date with the family regarding this request), along with the Posthumous Degree Request Form, to the Dean of the College. The documentation packet must include:

a. a copy of the Graduation Planning Sheet

b. the names of all current instructors for courses of record for the student's final semester, and 

c. a copy of the student's transcript.

2. The Dean will present his/her recommendation to the Provost prior to the February Board of

Governors meeting for Spring Semester awards and the October Board of Governors meeting for

Fall Semester awards.

3. Upon approval by the Provost, the request will be forwarded to the President.

4. Following the President's approval, the request is submitted to the Board of Governors to grant or deny the posthumous degree. The Provost's Office is responsible for drafting and submitting the Board of Governors agenda item.

5. The Executive Assistant to the Provost is responsible for notifying the Dean of the student's College, and the requesting Department of the Board of Governors' decision.

6. After the posthumous degree has been approved by the Board of Governors, the Department Chair (or his/her representative) will contact the family to make arrangements for presenting the diploma. No special notation will be made on the diploma; however, the student's transcript will note that the degree was conferred posthumously.

7. After the posthumous degree has been approved by the Board of Governors, the Provost will communicate the Posthumous Degree Request Form to the Registrar.

8. If at any time during this review process the request is denied, the Department Chair of the student's major will be notified by the denying party (in the case of a BOG denial, the Assistant to the Provost will notify).