Policies of CSU Pueblo

University Policy

CSU Pueblo Logo
Policy Title: Financial Policies and Procedures Category: Business and Finance
Owner: Vice President for Finance and Administration Policy ID#: 5-001-00
Business Financial Services
Web: http://www.csupueblo.edu/BFS
Email: robert.gonzales@csupueblo.edu
Phone: 719-549-2943
Effective Date: 1/1/2016

CSU Pueblo finances and accounting are governed by three separate rule sets:

The purpose of these Financial policies is to assure accountability and transparency of CSU Pueblo finances, provide campus accounting officers with direction and guidance in connection with accounting transactions, and provide procedures and reports that should be uniform throughout the Colorado State University-Pueblo.

The Financial policies should not be considered all-inclusive. Rather, accounting officers also should be guided by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, by NACUBO's Financial Accounting and Reporting Manual for Higher Education, by Statements issued by Governmental Accounting Standards Board, and by applicable law.