Policy Title: New Mexico Reciprocal Tuition Rate Policy | Category: Admissions and Enrollment |
Owner: Vice President for Enrollment Management & Extended Studies | Policy ID#: 3-002-01 |
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Effective Date: 11/2/2020 |
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New Mexico Reciprocal Tuition Rate Policy: The states of Colorado and New Mexico have a standing reciprocal tuition agreement, and Colorado State University-Pueblo receives an annual allotment of 25 reciprocal rate slots (based on the CCHE definition of 30-credit hour FTE per slot) reserved for full-time students. This special rate discounts tuition to the in-state rate but does not grant in-state residency to selected students. CSU-Pueblo will follow this policy in the awarding of the reciprocal tuition rate, for any new awardees beginning with the Spring 2016 semester. Any recipients whose determinations were made prior to the establishment of this policy will not have their rate determinations changed, and they are not subject to the renewal criteria.
Decisions regarding the awarding of this reciprocal rate will be made by the Office of Admissions and communicated to the billing office via established processes for the notification of all special tuition rates.
Minimum eligibility: To receive the reciprocal rate, a student must be admitted to CSU-Pueblo as either:
- a degree-seeking freshman in either Spring, Summer, or Fall semester, with a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher, who completed all 4 years of high school from a New Mexico high school, and is a permanent resident of New Mexico OR
- a transfer or readmit degree-seeking student in either Spring, Summer, or Fall semester, with a cumulative college GPA of 2.75 or higher, having not previously earned any baccalaureate degree(s), and is a permanent resident of New Mexico.
Eligibility will be determined using the documents and information provided during the admissions process. The special rate will only be granted for completion of a student’s first baccalaureate degree. Students must enroll full-time (minimum of 12 credit hours) in order to receive the rate.
Selection: A student must apply for the reciprocal rate using the official application form prior to the start of his or her first semester at CSU-Pueblo, or be recommended for the rate by an employee of the University staff, such as an admissions counselor or advisor. The recommendation can be made using the official application form. Award determinations will be made by the Admissions Director as requests are received, and slots will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis until all new slots available for the upcoming year are full.
If more students request the special rate than can be accommodated by available slots, and multiple student requests were received on the same date, the Admissions Office reserves the right to grant the rate to those students with higher academic performance.
If a student currently receiving the special rate leaves CSU-Pueblo, or a student awarded the rate decides not to attend, the institution reserves the right to fill that slot from candidates who were not previously selected, or award that additional slot in the next semester.
Every effort will be made to fill all available slots for the year.
Maximum Benefit: Provided that a student makes sufficient academic progress to meet the renewal criteria outlined below, there are no additional limits to the maximum number of semesters a student may receive this special rate. It is, however, as previously stated, limited to the attainment of only the first baccalaureate degree.
Discount: The amount of the discount will be calculated annually after the publication of the Tuition and Fees Schedule for the year. The per-student amount will be the difference between WUE and resident tuition (without COF) for students enrolled in 12-18 credit hours.
Other aid: Students receiving this reciprocal rate are allowed to combine this offering with all other aid and incentives from the institution, including merit awards and foundation scholarships.
Renewal Timeframe: Regardless of whether the reciprocal rate was first awarded in a Spring, Summer, or Fall semester, all recipients’ cumulative GPAs will be reviewed at the end of the Spring semester to determine continued eligibility for the next academic year. Students who need Summer included in the calculation in order to maintain eligibility for the upcoming Fall will be granted that opportunity.
Renewal Criteria: In order to receive the rate for the next academic year, at the end of the review semester, a student must have:
- Not have earned a baccalaureate degree;
- Maintained degree-seeking status with continual enrollment (summer attendance is not required);
- Completed a minimum of 24 credit hours in two semesters (for two-semester recipients) or 12 credit hours in one semester (for single-semester recipients); and
- Earned a minimum CSU-Pueblo cumulative GPA in college-level work of 2.5.
Cancellation of Discount: This reciprocal rate will be rescinded, and the student’s tuition rate will revert to the standard WUE rate for New Mexico residents, if the student:
- Does not meet renewal criteria; or
- Fails to enroll during a major semester (Fall or Spring) during the length of the award.
Students who dis-enroll for at least one major semester and return to CSU-Pueblo at a later date as readmit students are eligible for the reciprocal tuition rate, but must re-apply and meet the same eligibility guidelines as transfer students.
Maintenance of Records: The Admissions Office Manager will track available slots and number of recipients, and will provide the Director with the information needed each year to determine recipients’ continuation eligibility. The Office Manager and Director will coordinate to determine the number of slots available for new awards each year in order to abide by the total 25 slots (calculated at the state-defined calculation of 30 FTE each) available for award.
New Mexico-Colorado Tuition Reciprocity Agreement effective 6/26/2015
Colorado Department of Higher Education C.R.S 23-1-112
Approved by:
Lesley Di Mare
Revisions approved by Chrissy Holliday, Vice President of Enrollment Management, Communications and Student Services 11/2/2020