CSU Pueblo Policy: Privacy And Release Of Student Education Records (FERPA) (CSU SYSTEM POLICY)

Policy Title: Privacy And Release Of Student Education Records (FERPA) (CSU SYSTEM POLICY) Category: Administration
Owner: Vice President for Enrollment Management & Extended Studies Policy ID#: 2.06.00
Web: http://www.csupueblo.edu/records/
Email: registrar@csupueblo.edu
Phone: 719-549-2261
Effective Date: 10/1/2020
Supersedes Policy ID#: 2-008-00
Viewing/Downloading Options:

Colorado State University Pueblo has adopted a Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) policy which applies to all institutions in the Colorado State University System. This policy can be found on the CSU System Policies website.


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The CSU Pueblo Policy Library is maintained by the CSU Pueblo General Counsel's Office