CSU-Pueblo Policy: Alternate Work Arrangement Policy

Policy Title: Alternate Work Arrangement Policy Category: Human Resources and Institutional Equity
Owner: Senior Director of Human Resources & Institutional Equity Policy ID#: 7-012
Human Resources
Web: https://www.csupueblo.edu/human-resources/
Email: hr@csupueblo.edu
Phone: 719.549.2441
Effective Date: 10/1/2021
Supersedes Policy ID#: 000
Viewing/Downloading Options:


Colorado State University Pueblo (“the University”) supports Alternate Work Arrangements (AWA) that enable employees to balance work and personal needs while achieving a reliable and productive work environment. The University recognizes the growing demands on employees and the increasing challenge of finding innovative ways to provide service and meet University goals. Workplace flexibility provides a way to successfully manage people, time, space, and workload.

APPLICATION OF THIS POLICY (persons affected by):

Classified* and Administrative Professional employees. This policy does not apply to supplemental work arrangements.

*Classified employees may be subject to guidance found within the Partnership Agreement with the State.


Faculty are exempt from this policy and may refer to the Faculty Handbook for information regarding work guidelines.

  2. Approving Authority: an employee’s second-level supervisor
  3. Central workplace: An employer's place of work where employees are normally located. Most commonly, this is the CSU Pueblo campus or satellite location(s).
  4. Employee: Any individual employed by CSU Pueblo on either a temporary, part-time, or full-time basis. The term does not include an independent contractor or individual performing services through a separate entity as a "temp to hire".
  5. Exempt employee(s): Employees not subject to the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and State wage laws and not required to be paid overtime compensation.
  6. Flexplace: a work location away from the central workplace at home or other off-site setting.
  7. Non-exempt employee(s): Non-exempt employees are subject to the FLSA and State wage laws and are required to be paid a minimum wage and overtime compensation.
  8. Supervisor: Any CSU Pueblo employee to whom an employee reports and who holds the employee accountable for satisfactory work performance.
  9. Workweek: The period between Saturday 12:01 a.m. and the immediately following Friday at Midnight.


The University recognizes there may be situations where AWAs are appropriate. AWAs offer flexible approaches to accomplishing work through nontraditional work hours, locations, and/or job structures. They offer employees creative approaches for completing work, while promoting work-life balance. 

Typical alternate work options include flextime, flexplace, compressed work schedules, part-time and job-sharing assignments. These arrangements must support University and departmental goals and must be approved by supervisors. While eligible employees may request AWAs, not all positions lend themselves to AWAs. 

AWAs should not lessen the quality of the work performed. Supervisors must document any AWAs, indicate work expectations, and have approval from the employee's second-level supervisor to ensure the mission of the University, departmental goals, and the requirements of senior leadership are met. 


Employees may apply for an AWA; however, certain positions cannot accommodate an AWA. Some positions require employees to be on campus and others may not have flexibility to accommodate shift changes. Factors to consider include, but are not limited to, university and departmental operational needs, customer service requirements, and employee performance and productivity.


Approving Authorities: Responsible for approving the AWA.

Supervisors: Responsible for developing a workable AWA with the employee and presenting it for approval to an Approving Authority.

Office of Human Resources and Institutional Equity (HRIE): Responsible for overseeing AWA policies and procedures, ensuring appropriate approvals have been obtained and managing related recordkeeping. 


Alternate Work Arrangement Procedures


Overtime Policy


AWA Form


Dr. Timothy Mottet



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