CSU-Pueblo Policy: Event Scheduling and Facilities Use Policy

Policy Title: Event Scheduling and Facilities Use Policy Category: Administration
Owner: Vice President for Finance and Administration Policy ID#: 2.02.00
Auxiliary Services
Web: http://auxiliaryservices.csupueblo
Email: Brent.Lorenz@csupueblo.edu
Phone: 719-549-2161
Effective Date: 8/16/2018
Supersedes Policy ID#: 02-09-00
Viewing/Downloading Options:


This Event Scheduling and Facilities Use Policy has been established to provide a clear explanation of the guidelines currently in use at Colorado State University-Pueblo (CSU-Pueblo) for the reservation and use of its grounds, buildings, and conference and dining services by internal and external individuals and organizations.

B.  POLICY APPLIES TO (persons affected by)

 This Policy applies to any Campus-based User, Affiliated User or External User wishing to utilize the facilities and conference and dining services on the CSU-Pueblo Campus.


Academic Building:  A building in which classes and instruction take place.  Following is a list of all buildings on campus that are considered to be academic buildings: General Classroom Building; Capozzolo Center for the Arts; Chemistry Building; Life Sciences Building; Physics/Math Building; Buell Communications Center; Technology Building; Hasan Business School; Psychology Building and any other spaces within buildings that are being utilized for classroom instruction, i.e. Massari Arena.

Affiliated User:  Any organization, group, or individual which is affiliated with CSU-Pueblo by virtue of grants or mission-consistent goals carried out by faculty and/or staff employed by CSU-Pueblo.

Campus-based User:  Any CSU-Pueblo department or business unit (or the CSU System) using the requested facility for CSU-Pueblo business with appropriate authorization to provide a CSU-Pueblo account number to which any charges associated with the usage may be billed. May also be referred to as “Internal User”.

Campus Event Coordinator:  Individual who works in the Auxiliary Services office who is responsible for the scheduling of events and communicating with users of the campus facilities, and conference and dining services.

Event:  Any periodic, temporary, and contractual use of University facilities by student organizations, campus-based users, sponsored users, and external users in accord with the University’s missions, goals, and policies.

Event Sponsor:  Individual requesting to schedule an event.

External User (Off-campus user):  An individual or groups of individuals, organizations, associations, or businesses not affiliated with CSU-Pueblo.

Facilities:  All buildings, grounds, land, and properties owned or leased by CSU-Pueblo.

Office:  Office of Auxiliary Services.

Service: Any University personnel support and/or expertise, technical equipment, supplies or special services provided individuals or organizations conducting programs in University facilities or on campus grounds.

Student Organization User: An active student organization recognized by, registered with and in good standing with the Office of Student Engagement and Leadership.


This Policy establishes regulations for the periodic, temporary, and contractual use of University facilities by student organizations, campus-based users, sponsored users, external users and in accordance with the University’s missions, goals, and policies.

 This policy is designed to:

 Establish a consistent and equitable approach for handling scheduling requests for the use of CSU-Pueblo facilities

  • Establish rules for access to facilities for all users
  • Require user compliance with University policies and state law
  • Regulate the time, manner, and place of the use of CSU-Pueblo facilities
  • Identify CSU-Pueblo offices responsible for scheduling the use of facilities
  • Communicate consequences for failure to adhere to the policy
  • Address legal and financial issues pertinent to facility use
  • Comply with any specific policies and restrictions regarding use of the Occhiato Student Center, Hoag Hall, Massari Arena, and other locations on campus

Academic classes are scheduled by the Registrar’s office. Classrooms may not be scheduled for non-instructional purposes prior to the formulation of the schedule of classes for each semester except for activities to be scheduled during non-class or weekend hours.

Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference games and practices are scheduled by the Athletic Department. Athletic venues may not be scheduled for events prior to the formulation of the scheduled RMAC games and practices for each semester.

Student Recreation Center programs and services are scheduled by the Student Recreation Center. Recreations Center Venues may not be scheduled for events prior to the formulation of the scheduled programs and services. All events scheduled within the Student Recreation Center must abide by all rules and regulations in accordance with this policy.

All events must be requested and scheduled utilizing the Event Management Software (EMS). EMS can be accessed via https://ems.csupueblo.edu. Any event that is not scheduled utilizing EMS will not be approved, access to EMS for the person conducting the event may be limited, and further requests may be denied for up to six (6) months. Requests for events under 50 participants must be submitted at least five (5) business days in advance of the event. Requests for events over 50 participants must be submitted at least ten (10) business days in advance. If the event is within the respective five (5) or ten (10) business days, approval is not guaranteed.

Scheduling Criteria. Scheduling of events will be based on priority of the event, availability of resources and availability of the facility.   Scheduling priority for facility use is given to all academic and student-related programs. These programs have a scheduling priority for the first four (4) weeks of each semester for reserving space during the following semester. For example, during the first four (4) weeks of the fall semester, reservations for facility use during the next spring semester will be taken from on-campus academic and student-related programs only.  For dates outside of the academic year and during the winter and summer non-semester periods, academic programs are given scheduling priority. All campus resources are then scheduled on a first come, first served basis. During this period, no University facilities or services are committed to off-campus users more than twelve (12) months in advance. Reservations for the Occhiato Student Center for weddings and conferences may exceed the twelve (12) months but are subject to cancellation or change due to conflicts. Moreover, in scheduling all conference-related programs, consideration must be given to the priority needs of students, faculty, and staff to ensure the appropriate facilities are available to meet the primary mission of the University.

The University reserves the right to cancel an event if it conflicts in any way with the general policy of the University, or change a reservation to comparable space within the University when other conflicts arise.


The Office of Auxiliary Services (Office) is responsible for receiving all inquiries related to the use of University facilities and/or services from off-campus and on-campus individuals and organizations interested in conducting any type of event, conference, seminar, meeting, catered function, or summer/sports camp. The Office’s staff determines if CSU-Pueblo can host a particular activity in accordance with current operating policy and availability.

The goal of the Office of Auxiliary Services is to maintain an effective and efficient administrative network of services that maximize the use of all campus resources to the greatest benefit of CSU-Pueblo.

As an auxiliary department of CSU-Pueblo, the Office is obligated to ensure that all off-campus programs and special funded on-campus conferences account for costs related to the use of auxiliary facilities and services that are required to conduct the activities requested. The Office is responsible for maintenance and enhancement of the services offered and operate on a cost recovery basis for the overall benefit of the University. Fee policies and schedules are reviewed annually to provide for equitable compensation for campus services provided.



 Refer to this link for the process http://csu-pueblo-policies.colostate.edu/attachments/159.Event%20Scheduling%20Process.pdf


1.  Catering: All events must utilize CSU-Pueblo’s authorized food service provider, A’viands, for catering food. No outside vendor is allowed to cater food on campus.

      a.  Security: The addition of security personnel at an event is subject to the discretion of the Office in consultation with the Sheriff’s Office. The organizer of the event will be responsible for charges related to the addition of security personnel, including both the outside security service company and additional security services that may be contracted for with the Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office. The amount of security is determined based on the type of event, the number of people expected and whether alcohol will be served. CSU-Pueblo has sole authority over security being provided.

     b.  Occhiato Student Center events: One security person is required for every 100 attendees at an event during which alcohol is served. Other facilities may require security, including the athletic facilities.

2.  Custodial/maintenance: The addition of custodial personnel is subject to the discretion of the Office and is based on the following guidelines: 

1.  Events with 50-250 participants where food is served—one additional custodian.

2.  Events with 250-500 participants where food is served—two additional custodians (one custodian for every 500 additional participants).

3.  Events with greater than 250 participants where no food is served—one additional custodian (one custodian for every 500 additional    


4.  The Office reserves the right to evaluate the need for custodial services based on other factors particular to a specific event.



The Office schedules and coordinates the use of facilities, services, and resources for both campus-based and off-campus individuals and organizations. The Office works with support services departments to ensure that all questions are asked and answered to meet the needs of the users.

The Office offers the following services for external users of the Occhiato Student Center:

  • Reserves and confirms dates, facility space, and services.
  • Coordinates and confirms meals, catered functions, refreshment breaks, security, custodial needs, special services, and attendance numbers for each event. Food Services directly manages all individual catered events.
  • Coordinates facilities schedule and set-up for each event.
  • Coordinates technology equipment requested.
  • Coordinates and confirms all housing arrangements for conference attendees.
  • Coordinates transportation needs for off-campus events.
  • Distributes the contracts for cost of facilities and services between CSU-Pueblo and clients in the Occhiato Student Center
  • Coordinates invoices and transfer of funds with Food Services billing department.
  • Manages post-event evaluations.

 The Office offers the following services for student organizations, campus-based, and affiliated users of the Occhiato Student Center:

  • Provides limited coordination of activities.
  • Coordinates facilities schedule and set-up for each event.
  • Coordinates technology equipment requested.
  • Serves as a referral service to support services (catering, custodial and security) on campus (sponsoring department is responsible for all work orders).
  • Coordinates invoices and transfer of funds with Food Services billing department.
  • Manages post-event evaluations.

 The Office offers the following services for external users of Athletic Venues: 

  • Reserves and confirms dates, facility space, and services.
  • Serves as a referral service to support services (catering, custodial and security) on campus (sponsoring department is responsible for all work orders).
  • Coordinates invoices and transfer of funds with Food Services billing department.
  • Athletic Department coordinates facilities schedule and set-up for each event.
  • Athletic Department coordinates technology equipment requested.
  • Athletic Department coordinates transportation needs for off-campus events.
  • Athletic Department distributes the contacts for cost of facilities and services between CSU-Pueblo and User.

 The Office offers the following services for external users of Hoag Hall: 

  • Reserves and confirms dates, facility space, and services.
  • Serves as a referral service to support services (catering, custodial and security) on campus (sponsoring department is responsible for all work orders).
  • Coordinates invoices and transfer of funds with Food Services billing department.
  • Hoag Hall coordinates set-up for each event.
  • Hoag Hall coordinates technology equipment requested.
  • Hoag Hall coordinates transportation needs for off-campus events.
  • Hoag Hall distributes the contracts for cost of facilities and services between CSU-Pueblo and User 

The Office offers the following services for external users of academic classrooms and other venues:

  • Reserves and confirms dates, facility space, and services.
  • Serves as a referral service to support services (catering, custodial and security) on campus (sponsoring department is responsible for all work orders).
  • Coordinates invoices and transfer of funds with Food Services billing department.
  • The respective building personnel coordinates facilities schedule and set-up for each event.
  • The respective building personnel coordinates technology equipment requested.
  • The respective building personnel coordinates transportation needs for off-campus events.
  • The Office or the sponsoring department distributes the contracts for the cost of facilities and services between CSU-Pueblo and the User.


This includes building lobbies and public spaces. It excludes outdoor athletic facilities, intramural sports facilities; outdoor pursuits facilities and parking lots. All requests for outdoor/common areas will be directed to the Office, which will make necessary arrangements, approvals, and notify the user of responsibilities. Outdoor areas approved for special events on CSU-Pueblo campus may be reserved in accordance with this policy.

Outdoor Areas

Use of outdoor areas may not disrupt university functions or the tranquility of the campus.

Permissible Outdoor Activities

  1. University sponsored events. University departments may use specific outdoor areas for university affiliate receptions/functions. Private or non-university receptions are not generally permitted outside of the Occhiato Student Center.
  2. Displays that are university related or with appropriate university approval.
  3. Fundraisers sponsored by recognized student organizations.
  4. Music events with appropriate university approval.


  1. All events must be scheduled through the Office. Use fees and costs associated with services provided may apply.

Amplified sound in designated outdoor areas must be at appropriate decibel levels and approved by appropriate university authorities such as Environmental Health and Safety Office, Parking and Safety, Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office and Facilities Management.

General Guidelines

The Office responsibilities:

  1. Approval of time, place, and manner of all activities occurring on all outdoors spaces.
  2. Parking arrangements and lot closures, if needed, will be coordinated through the Director of Parking and Safety.
  3. The Office distributes the contracts for cost of facilities and services between CSU-Pueblo and User

Event sponsor responsibilities:

  1. The event’s sponsor will be responsible for the oversight of all venue service requirements including the ordering and installation of all rented equipment including, but not limited to tents, canopies, tables, chairs, etc.
  2. The event’s sponsor is responsible for obtaining necessary approvals and guidelines for the event, and on-site supervision if required by approving authorities.
  3. Event sponsor is responsible for securing all services through the Office of Auxiliary Services.

Walk through by the event coordinator with an Office employee for damage assessment may be required upon commencement of load-in and completion of strike.  Damages to university property, equipment and/or turf as a direct result of the event will be billed to the event sponsor.

Turf / Grass:

  1. Delivery vehicles are not permitted on grass/turf without pre-approval from the Office of Auxiliary Services, and only with proper turf protection.
  2. A supplemental surface to protect turf/grass may be required for events.
  3. Inclement weather will require inspection of turf and grass by the Office of Auxiliary Services for final approval and use of space.
  4. Damages to turf as a direct result of the event will be billed to the event sponsor.
  5. Fire Lanes, Roads and Walkways:
  6. Fire lanes must remain unobstructed at all times.
  7. All roads and walkways must remain open and accessible.
  8. Safe pedestrian access must be maintained for walkways and building entry/exits


  1. Outdoor cooking grills must have a non-flammable ground cover beneath, and cannot be located close to trees or structures. In the event a fire ban is in place, sponsor must abide by fire ban.
  2. Supplemental lighting is subject to approval.
  3. Food/drink/alcohol must receive prior approval from university departments, including the University Cabinet.
  4. A damage deposit may be required.
  5. Restrictions on heavy equipment, staging materials, electrical equipment, rigging, utilities, etc. may apply.
  6. Amplified sound, e.g. use of microphones, speakers, etc., in designated outdoor areas must stay within acceptable decibel levels and be approved by appropriate university authorities.
  7. Tear down and cleanup of event must occur immediately following event.
  8. Other items that need a special permit, notifying the Fire Department, etc. may be reviewed based on the type of event.

 Overnight Camping and House Trailers

Overnight camping or use of house trailers, pickup campers, tent trailers, tents, etc. for overnight camping is prohibited on University property. Exceptions to this prohibition may be granted by the Office of Auxiliary Services for single large groups provided appropriate health, safety and security precautions are taken.

Parking Lots

Requests for use of campus parking areas will be made through the Office of Auxiliary Services which will make the necessary arrangements through the Director of Parking and Safety and gain approval and notify user of responsibilities.


All events and conference related programs must enhance the image and impact of CSU-Pueblo as an essential resource for furthering sound educational, civic, and social goals. All areas of campus must be scheduled for use. The only exceptions are the conference rooms located in the President’s office, in the Provost’s office, and in each of the Dean’s offices. These conference rooms may be reserved by contacting the respective office and documented in EMS.


 “Fronting” is defined as permitting a non-university individual or organization to use University space/facilities and services under the guise that the activity is a University-sponsored program.

 As noted, access to University facilities is designed primarily for University departments, administrative units, and currently registered student organizations in furtherance of the educational mission of the University. A limited number of other individuals and organizations have also been granted access based on their direct association with the University. Any sponsoring individual or organization that reserves space for the purpose of allowing non-university groups or vendors to advertise, hold meetings, and/or sell items without the expressed understanding and permission of the Office is responsible for "fronting."

All of the following characteristics should be met in order for an event to be considered

University-sponsored and to avoid the allegation of “fronting”:

  1. The attendance of the group must be primarily campus-related individuals.
  2. Presenters fees are paid for by University organizations/departments;
  3. The primary advertising is directed toward University organizations.
  4. All planning and/or production must be handled by the University-sponsoring group or department.
  5. All scheduled events must be within the scope of the University mission.

Non-university individuals/organizations are required to schedule the University space through the Office and pay for the use of space and services in accordance with current policy and fee schedules. Determination of fronting situations is made by the Director of Auxiliary Services or designee.


The food service company contracted by the University holds the appropriate liquor license for the service of alcohol on the CSU-Pueblo campus. All alcoholic beverage service must be provided by this company in conjunction with the University. Outside organizations may not bring alcohol on campus for any event.  Organizations will be charged at current rates set by the University. All events with alcoholic beverage service must be substantially food related and include the availability of alternate beverage(s). 

The organization must agree to adhere to the spirit/intent of the University’s philosophy regarding the use of alcoholic beverages: recognition that the use of alcohol is a personal choice and that individuals are responsible for their behavior while using alcoholic beverages. It is clearly understood that drunkenness or vandalistic disruptive behavior sometimes associated with it is not an acceptable norm of conduct on the CSU-Pueblo campus. Further, it is understood that the organization is responsible to insure the conduct of its membership.  The following additional guidelines apply to the service of alcohol at events: 

  • The organization will be responsible for complying with and enforcing all City and State regulations and laws regarding alcohol consumption and possession, including but not limited to, appropriate identification checks. 
  • No one under the age of 21 will be served alcohol or allowed to consume alcohol. If minors are present at the event, then adequate steps must be taken to ensure that they are not allowed to consume alcoholic beverages.  
  • The organization may be held liable in a civil suit if the state and local laws are violated (e.g. supplying alcohol to underage persons or supplying alcohol to an intoxicated person.) 
  • The organization may be required to obtain and maintain a policy of insurance providing for liability coverage with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit, or such other amount as determined by the University, and shall include Colorado State University-Pueblo and the Board of Governors of the Colorado State University System and the State of Colorado as additional insureds. 
  • Any University personnel working during the event may not consume any alcohol. 
  • The event must be staged in a contained area and alcohol will only be served and consumed in that contained area. 

The University reserves the right, without penalty, to refuse service of alcoholic beverages to an individual or to discontinue service at a function if, in its opinion, it is in the best interest of the University. 


Of those individuals and/or organizations that have access to the facilities and services at CSU-Pueblo, no fee, discounted fee, or full fee charges may be applied in accordance with the following group descriptions. 

Questions or concerns about the assignment of any organization to a particular group below should be addressed to the Director of Auxiliary Services or designee. 

Group 1: Campus-based User-(a fee may be charged if there is extraordinary set-up or cleanup). There are two categories: 

  1. Any student activity or program (including regularly scheduled academic classes, exams, special academic presentations). Under the present University policy, each student pays a facility fee that entitles him or her to use University facilities without charge. The University, recognizing that campus facilities primarily exist to benefit and support student activities and interests, provides students the first opportunity to schedule space at no charge in University facilities including classrooms, auditoriums, and athletic facilities. 
  2. Faculty/staff conducting University business, CSU System business (Academic classes held in the Occhiato Student Center or other auxiliary venue will be charged the full rate) 

Group 2: Affiliated groups—defined as co-sponsored and/or adjunct organizations for which facilities fees may be reduced by 70%. There are two categories:               

  1. Co-sponsored events—Activities or programs that are provided through the University but involve non-University clients.
  2. Adjunct organizations—Programs that are sponsored by a University-sanctioned group directly related to the mission of the University. 

Note: Cost recovery rates will be charged for all events and activities when a registration or a testing fee is required to take part in the activity. An exception to this policy will be made for faculty-sponsored conferences under specified conditions. 

Fees may be reduced by 70% for faculty-sponsored conferences where a registration fee is charged if, and only if:

  1. Classrooms and lecture halls within academic buildings are used for all conference meetings.
  2. The classroom facilities are used in their normal configurations without extraordinary support such as set-up and clean up.
  3. Financially self-sustaining auxiliary facilities, such as Dining Services and Events Services, continue to apply appropriate charges.
  4. The faculty member who is sponsoring the conference is not receiving additional compensation for arranging the conference.
  5. The event is directly related to professional/academic interests and not related to personal concerns (hobbies, social organizations, etc.).
  6. Approval is received from the department chair and Dean.               

In special circumstances, courtesy adjunct organization status will be extended to individuals and organizations with which the University has significant educational and strategic relationships. The President or their designee may grant this status. 

Individuals and organizations listed under Group 2 who have required a fee for entry into an activity or event will be charged cost recovery rates based upon direct hourly costs for the respective auxiliary department, services, and facilities provided. Direct costs include the labor for setups and breakdowns, custodial services, utilities, etc. 

Group 3: External Groups and Organizations 

User types in this category include:

  1. All off-campus individuals or for profit organizations, using University facilities and/or services. All groups falling in this category will be charged market rates adjusted annually for facility rentals and other conference services. 
  2. Not-for-profit organizations or local, state, or federal governmental entities may have their University facilities fees reduced by 30% 

A not-for-profit organization must be a corporation, trust, or unincorporated association which must meet the following requirements:

  1. Must be organized and operated exclusively for a charitable purpose.
  2. Net earnings may not inure to the benefit of any private individual or shareholder.
  3. No substantial part of its activity may be attempting to influence legislation.
  4. No action of the group may intervene in political campaigns.
  5. No part of the purposes or activities may be illegal. 

Exceptions to CSU-Pueblo rates require the approval of the President for events such as those requested by regional and state political leaders, major donors as defined by the CSU-Pueblo Foundation, funerals for campus community friends, community based sponsorships, etc. 

Group 4: Faculty, Staff, Alumni, Major Donors and K-12 Schools—when using facilities for personal, non-University related events. 

  1. Groups in this category having a direct affiliation with the University will have their facility usage fee reduced by 50%. 


University Cancellation Provisions

CSU-Pueblo reserves the right to substitute an alternative space for any facility reserved for a non-affiliated University function if deemed necessary to conduct official University business or special programs. 

In extremely rare situations, due to factors beyond the control of the University, such as weather conditions, unavailability of facilities due to physical damage, or mechanical breakdown of support systems, etc., the University may cancel a previously scheduled non-University event without penalty. In the event of a weather emergency in which the University is closed, outside catered events and facilities reservations may be cancelled. 

Client Cancellation Provisions

The Auxiliary Services Office and University Food Services require a cancellation notice of three (3) business days. Cancellations made less than three (3) business days from the event will incur a charge of 100% of the room rental and 50% of the anticipated function charge for food and services. 

Student or Faculty/Staff organizations failure to inform the Auxiliary Services Office of a cancellation may result in the cancelling of any future reservations. 


All policies and guidelines presented in this document are subject to review and may be modified with appropriate approval. Facilities and services fees will be reviewed annually to assess and establish fair and reasonable costs and charges.  Fees may be accessed at (include website link for access of fees) 

Failure to comply with the policies described may result in the assessment of charges to recover the costs of services scheduled and/or performed, the suspension or revocation of scheduling privileges, and/or the closing of an event requiring restitution for expenses or damages. 


                The Auxiliary Services Office is responsible for this Policy and all scheduling of events.

 Approved by Dr. Timothy Mottet, President

August 16, 2018




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